Editor's Pick

What Are The Top 6 Mistakes Bitcoin Investors Make?

The cryptocurrency trading space is a little different than other traditional investing spaces. Traditional investors can rely on experience and research to make educated decisions, but with cryptocurrencies, it’s difficult to know if the information you’re getting is legitimate or not.

Bitcoin is a revolutionary cryptocurrency with the potential to change the way we make transactions. It is a very volatile asset class. But many people who invest in Bitcoin are doing so without understanding what they’re investing in. Because of this, they make crucial mistakes that cost them money and time.

This post will go over some of the most common mistakes bitcoin investors make so you know what to watch out for.

Not Understanding How Bitcoin Works

What many new investors don’t understand is that bitcoin isn’t just an asset. It’s a currency, and should be treated as such. What this means for investors is that you shouldn’t invest in bitcoin expecting it to go up or down based on the market alone.

Instead, there are certain trends and other factors which may cause fluctuations in your investment. What you should be focusing on is factors like the development of bitcoin, how it impacts other currencies and assets, etc.

1. Not Paying Attention To The Markets:


What this means is that you don’t keep track of the costs associated with trading and investing in digital currencies. What many cryptocurrency investors fail to realize, for example, is that they can be taxed on their crypto investment returns just like any other type of capital gain or company profit.

What’s more, most cryptocurrency exchanges charge fees for trading. What you need to do is pay attention to the total cost of your transactions and make sure that they are within what you can reasonably afford. You can do all your research from bitcointester before choosing the appropriate exchange platform.

2. Investing Too Much Money In A Volatile Currency Like Bitcoin:

Girl having a bitcoin

What many new investors don’t understand is how volatile the cryptocurrency market can be, and this causes them to invest too much money in it. What they don’t realize is that bitcoin has experienced some serious fluctuations over its short history.

What you should do instead of investing all of your savings into a single asset like bitcoin (which could potentially cause you financial hardship) is to invest small amounts of money regularly.

What too many people do when they’re new to Bitcoin trading is sell off all their assets at once when the price dips below the amount they entered at originally without understanding why it happened.

3. Failing To Diversify Investments:


Another common mistake cryptocurrency investors make is failing to diversify their investments. What this means for them is that they put all of their eggs in one basket and invest everything into bitcoin, without investing any money into other cryptocurrencies as well. While you shouldn’t be putting your entire investment portfolio into just one digital asset, there’s no reason why you should only have a fraction of your total amount invested in multiple currencies either.

4. Getting Overconfident And Not Doing Any Research Before Investing:

Getting Overconfident And Not Doing Any Research Before Investing

What you need to understand is that there are thousands of cryptocurrencies out there, and not all of them will be successful. What this means for crypto investors is that they shouldn’t invest in a cryptocurrency just because it seems like the new hot thing on the market or has had success recently.

What many first-time Bitcoin traders do when they start seeing some early gains is make overly optimistic assumptions about their opportunities going forward — we call these people “overconfident” investors. What’s more, even if an investor does his research before he invests in something like Ethereum (a digital currency), as soon as he gets into profit, then what happens?

He starts thinking about investing those profits somewhere else. This can result in buying high and selling low. What that means is that the investor is buying when the price has already gone up in value, and then he sells it at a loss when it’s worth less than what was paid for it originally.

5. Keeping Bitcoins On An Exchange That They Don’t Control:

bitcoin market

What happens if the exchange gets hacked? What happens if they go out of business? What happens when you leave your bitcoins on an exchange, and then suddenly the value goes up by hundreds or thousands of dollars overnight. What do you think people are going to do?

They’re going to run in there like a mad person trying to make off with what’s theirs – even though they don’t actually own it. So If someone else has access to their private keys, that means that this “someone else” now controls all those funds!

You can never be 100% sure about anything in life but here is one thing for certain: If you lose control over your online wallets where cryptocurrencies are stored, then everything inside them belongs to whoever holds them at that moment.


If you want to be successful at trading cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, avoid the mistakes stated above and learn everything there is to know about cryptocurrency investment.

Edward Curlin

Proud father to a Charming Princess 👑 | Fueled by Endless Cups of Coffee ☕ | Passionate about all things tech, gadgets, and the latest news 📱💻✨ | Wordsmith weaving tales of innovation and excitement 🖊️

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