Digital Marketing

Top Marketing Techniques Still Cranking Hard in 2023

It’s well-known that digital marketing has taken the world like a mighty storm, rendering many traditional marketing methods less effective.

Notably, trends come and go, and it’s almost impossible for a particular strategy to remain relevant throughout the ages despite significant advancement.

In the past, marketing was all about getting your name out there; now, it’s more about relating with your audience through compelling storytelling using videos. Even some digital marketing trends have grown cold after a few years.

Nevertheless, some marketing techniques remain relevant and are still cranking hard to date. If you could leverage some of these methods, your chances for success would improve dramatically.

So, what are the top marketing techniques this days?

Top Marketing Techniques Still Cranking Hard

1. TV Marketing

Did you think TV marketing was dead and buried? Well, it happens you’re not alone. Even many businesses and marketers think so too, which isn’t helping their campaign. Indeed, TV marketing is still very much alive and cranking hard, and leveraging it can boost your success more than many digital marketing techniques. You’ve probably whispered, “How?” in confusion.

TV Marketing

As opposed to on-demand TV streaming, linear TV advertising is old and refers to all traditional broadcasts that people have watched for decades. The programs follow a predetermined sequence, hence its name “linear.”

What makes it powerful is that you can’t skip adverts like you can on social media and on-demand TV. What does that tell you? It allows marketers to ingrain their brand in the minds of the audience, whether they like it or not!

And you very well know that people may not know they need something — and may even throw the package away — until someone opens the package and explains the benefits. However, it would help if you targeted your TV ads to an audience who watches linear TV advertising for it to be most effective. Teens don’t watch TV much these days, so if your product isn’t for adults, this advertising medium might not work for you.

2. Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing came up only a few years ago and shows no signs of slowing down. Market analysts predict that the influencer industry by 2022, rising from $8 billion in 2019.

Influencer marketing

Brands are looking for social media users with a huge following to advertise for them — to become their brand ambassadors. Anyone with hundreds of thousands of followers can post content with the guarantee of thousands of engagement. That’s what brands are looking for. Visibility!

However, you want to be careful when selecting brand influencers. Ensure their ideals and community aligns with your brand. For example, selecting an anti-LGBT person to influence your inclusive product wouldn’t make sense.

Also, consider their number of followers. Micro-influencers with 10k-100k followers are more attainable as they’re more willing to accept deals.

3. Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) is as old as the World Wide Web. It has only changed over time but continues cranking as hard as ever. It is organic and takes time, unlike paid ads, but the results are more long-term.

Search Engine Optimization

There are a lot of technicalities and fine-tuning involved in SEO now more than ever. Using SEO tools and automation software is now crucial to compete with big brands ranking for the same keywords.

And because Google and other search engines prioritize organic search results, using SEO alongside your other marketing techniques is crucial to maintaining online visibility and credibility.

4. Social Media Marketing using short videos

Social media marketing is one of the best ways to get leads from the millennia and Gen Z now and in the coming years. Social media use keeps growing as it’s one of the best ways to keep up with global goings-on, entertainment, and role models.

Social media marketing using short videos

Now, you want to focus on short videos and storytelling for your social media ads. The reason is that young people find videos more entertaining than written content as they do not have the patience to read every word, especially when they didn’t specifically search for the content.

At the same time, remember that authenticity is key when building your social media identity. So, ensure the right mix of sales, storytelling, and visual aesthetics to grasp users and display credibility.

Bonus: marketing is now less about the product and more about the customer’s needs

Take a case scenario: you’re scrolling through Instagram and coming across a video or picture displaying a hair product. You’re more likely to skip past because you know that’s an ad — they want to sell, and you weren’t thinking of buying anything.

But what if it was an interesting video about a particular hair problem you’ve been facing? You’re more likely to watch till the end to find the solution to that problem. Then you’d be more willing to “buy the solution.”

Indeed, the future of marketing is about focusing on customer needs rather than the product.

The Bottom Line

Affiliate and email marketing are other methods that aren’t slowing down anytime soon. So if you want to crank up your sales this year, you ideally should consider leveraging at least two of the techniques discussed above.

Edward Curlin

Proud father to a Charming Princess 👑 | Fueled by Endless Cups of Coffee ☕ | Passionate about all things tech, gadgets, and the latest news 📱💻✨ | Wordsmith weaving tales of innovation and excitement 🖊️

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