
Erase Your Digital Footprint with these 10 Steps

Violation of data. Theft of one’s identity. Bank robbery. Every week, we read a terrifying new cybercrime headline. Anonymous hackers target reputable services.

Ransomware encrypts the data of random computer users. What about websites that track your every move in order to target you with tailored advertisements?

There is a lot of personal information on the internet, ranging from critical financial details to uncomfortable photos that you do not want on the internet. Making this type of material disappear from the internet reduces the likelihood of a cybercriminal discovering and utilizing it against you for nefarious purposes.

Perhaps you’ve contemplated doing the unthinkable: disconnecting from the Internet.

Here are 10 steps by which you can erase all your personal information from the internet.

Deleted Personally identifiable information from the internet

Personal data removal from the internet is a laborious and time-consuming procedure that cannot be finished overnight. While it may be hard to completely remove all of your personal information from the internet, you may generally erase most of it.

It may be tough at first to remain socially inactive on the internet, but it will allow you to keep your financial and personal information secret and safe.

1. Create a separate email

That email address that you often use to register for websites that require an email id shouldn’t be your main one, and especially shouldn’t be used for business. Websites frequently sell these addresses, significantly increasing the quantity of unsolicited mail you get.

2. Remove Unnecessary Apps and Software

On a regular basis, several apps on your smartphone catch a large amount of personal data. It’s possible that your name, email address, habits, and geographic area are all included. This information can be used against you if a cybercriminal considers it beneficial. If you suspect an app shouldn’t have access to your data, look through its settings for an option that blocks the program from collecting information.

It’s also worth paying close attention to any application’s privacy settings, because camera permission is necessary for the camera app though not for the maps app. Disable any programs that have access to unnecessary settings. Additionally, deleting infrequently used programs frees up the space on your smartphone, allowing for the installation of new useful apps and software.

Keep in mind that uninstalling an application does not guarantee that the application servers will remove your personal information. Recheck the privacy and account settings to ensure that you have correctly deleted your data from the servers.

3. Remove Cookies

They are a sort of technology that keeps track of your online actions and aids in the presentation of information about advertisements related to your searches. Remove Cookies and disable internet surveillance using any security tool if you really want to keep a close eye on that tracker but don’t want the data saved and recorded.

Nevertheless, keep in mind that the sites you visit and the network provider will be able to see your web activity.

4. Examine Your Computer Data

Your personal information is likely to be kept on your devices and browsers. Try verifying such information on a regular basis and eliminating it from your computer and other devices. Clear your browser history and install antivirus software that monitors your internet usage and what material is saved.

5. Erase Outdated Search Results

A wealth of information may be obtained by searching for you on all search engines, data broker websites, social media platforms, and even cached photos. You can, however, make a request to have your information removed from the search results. This does not always work, but it is worth a go.

6. Delete Social Media Accounts

Make a list of all the social media accounts you have and begin deleting them one by one. Navigate to each of the social networking platforms’ application settings. From there, you may either delete or deactivate your account. Keep certain information available, such as your name, while removing all financial and banking information from the account.

If deactivating your account becomes impossible, try changing your account name and information to random digits and phrases that make no sense. If you don’t want to delete accounts, you may make them private by going through the settings.

7. Opt-out of data brokers

Keep in mind that these websites display your information lawfully because they receive it from open sources. However, you may delete your profiles from the majority of them. Simply build a list of data broker websites, visit them one by one, and look for the ‘remove my information’ page. You may begin with Nuwber.

If that sounds like too much of a task, you can hire a service that will do it for you. There are several software agencies or individuals that are providing such services.

8. Monitor your mailing list subscribers on a regular basis

Unsubscribe from anything that is no longer relevant to you or your business.

9. If you’re doing anything significant online, use stealth mode

Using incognito mode can go a long way in protecting you online.

10. Consider Using a VPN

Removing private information from the internet will only allow you to skim the internet’s top layer. When sharing data or using your phone or computer, use a secure VPN for further security. It will provide you with more peace of mind and keep you away from internet issues for a long time.

The Verdict

You cannot prevent personal information from falling into the hands of the public or advertising these days. Still, the actions outlined above can decrease your exposure and hence the amount of email spam and cold calls you get.

They may also assist in protecting you against identity theft, which can cause significant emotional and financial troubles and problems for you.

Edward Curlin

Proud father to a Charming Princess 👑 | Fueled by Endless Cups of Coffee ☕ | Passionate about all things tech, gadgets, and the latest news 📱💻✨ | Wordsmith weaving tales of innovation and excitement 🖊️

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