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What is the Science Behind Himalayan Pink Salt Lamps and How They Work?

According to environmental psychology, the environment in which we live has substantial effects on our physical and mental health. A fresh environment gives positive thoughts; it is proven that anxiety and depression can be reduced by spending only a few hours in a fresh green environment.

Here in this article, we are going to discuss the logic behind the concept that most of us have heard from our elders that Himalayan Pink Salt Lamps make our environment healthy and increase our physical and mental health.

In ancient days when there were no refrigerators, Bulk Himalayan Salt powder was used to preserve food and meat.

Structure of Himalayan Pink Salt Lamp

The Himalayan Pink salt lamp has two components:

  1. The Salt chunk
  2. The Light bulb

Commonly found in Himalayan Pink salt lamps for decor have hollow salt chunks, and light bulbs placed inside them. The bulb is connected to the electric current directly.

When electricity is applied to the bulb it emits light. The light passes through the Himalayan Salt Chunk emitted light is pink colored with a lovely eye-catching scene.

Due to their beautiful chic look, people like to place these lamps for home decoration.

Classes of Salt Lamps

Salt lamps are available in the market in different sizes and shapes. The classification of lamps can be done on the basis of shapes, and light intensity.

Light Intensity: The light intensity of the salt lamp depends on the voltage of the light bulb as well as the thickness of the salt lamp chunk.

Himalayan Pink Salt contains sodium chloride in a major portion, which is transparent to light but its thick layers absorb visible light rather than emitting it. Thus the intensity of light emitted becomes low with the increased thickness of the salt chunk.

What happened to the salt when light passes through?

Excitation and de-excitation of electron

Sodium Salt is transparent to light. When electricity is applied the bulb lights up, and the light passes through the salt chunk.

  • Refraction of light: A part of the light is refracted from the salt lamp which gives pink-colored light spreading in every direction.
  • Absorption of Light for excitation: The remaining part of the light is absorbed by the electrons, and electrons excite from lower energy levels to higher energy levels.
  • De-excitation: When these excited electrons came back energy is radiated with electromagnetic radiation. The emitted radiations contain a range of wavelengths just like laser light.
  • Laser Light: Lasers can be used for medical treatment that’s why the emitted light is considered helpful in terms of medical benefits.

But the thing here is to be clear that the intensity of excitation and de-excitation is very small, so we cannot just rely on these weak laser radiations to be the alternative of medicine, but it puts beneficial effects on our health.

Hygroscopic nature of Himalayan Salt

The second logical support for the use of Himalayan Salt lamps for asthma patients is that salt is hygroscopic in nature it absorbs moisture from the air and pollen grains or dust particles present in the air.

These dust particles can cause irritation in the bronchi of asthma patient if enters through the nasal cavity with air while breathing.

Benefits of Radiations emitted from salt lamps

Boost our mood

The salt lamp can be used to emit different colors by controlling the wavelength of white light (white light is the combination of seven different colors) through the electric voltage and thickness of the salt chunk.

The cool colors ( low intense light) give a sense of happiness to our eyes and we feel fresh by seeing fresh colors.

“Our sleep becomes more smooth when the body is relaxed and boosted feelings in our mind.” 

  • That is the reason that it is recommended by medical specialists to place salt lamps in sleeping rooms.
  • When you have worked out all day, you are fatigued; therefore, placing a salt Himalayan lamp beside you will improve your attitude.

Attraction for Colors

Many color categories are found in lamps, which serve to boost your mood. Colors are normally associated with happiness, thus sitting near a Himalayan salt lamp will give us a happy and stress-free environment.

  • Spectroscopic study (study of light interaction with matter) shows that there is refraction of light which changes the wavelength of light. Each color of light has a different wavelength and the intensity of wavelengths makes a range of the same color.
  • So, by accepting the suggestion of our experts we can enjoy a colored salt lamp dinner instead of a single-colored candlelight dinner.

Asthma Patients

Especially asthma patients are found to use Himalayan Salt lamps. Many reviews from customers show that they have found smoothness in their breathing by using salt lamps but medical science yet has not approved any logical mechanism of asthma release through light emitted by Himalayan Salt lamps.

Salt Inhalers

In addition to salt lamps, Pink Himalayan Salt Bulk are available in the market for asthma patients, we can buy these inhalers online as well.

Salt Lamps Brands

There are a number of companies working to mine pure Himalayan Salt Bulk from the mines and mold them into several products such as edible pink salt, cooking salt blocks salt bricks, and salt decoration items.

Standard Salts is a well-known brand due to its salt lamp products of pure Himalayan Pink Salt mined from the Khewra mines of Punjab, Pakistan.

About Standard Salts

One such reliable source is Standard Salts, a pioneer in Himalayan Salt production, one of the world’s largest salt suppliers, and specializes in Himalayan salt Wholesale, you can call us or contact us via WhatsApp.

Established in 1999, Standard Salts is known for its quality and has received multiple international quality certifications. Buying or lamps is cost effective while Standard Salts also supplies salt in small quantities.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Himalayan Salt Lamps safe?

There is no reported drawback to using salt lamps.

When we should use Himalayan salt lamps?

We are open-handed to use it as per our own choice, in the daytime or at night. There is no hard and fast rule for the timings of the salt lamp on and off routine.

Are Himalayan Salt lamps available online?

Yes, we can buy salt lamps anywhere at any time throughout the world. We can buy salt lamps from amazon where several wholesale suppliers are working.

Edward Curlin

Proud father to a Charming Princess 👑 | Fueled by Endless Cups of Coffee ☕ | Passionate about all things tech, gadgets, and the latest news 📱💻✨ | Wordsmith weaving tales of innovation and excitement 🖊️

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