Ring Doorbell Won’t Connect to WiFi | Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve

Are you encountering a Ring Doorbell won’t connect to WiFi?

Don’t worry. Just calm down!!

If your smart Ring doorbell has failed to connect to WiFi, it can disrupt the security of your home. Apart from that, it can also create unwanted frustration. Well, it’s a harsh truth and you can’t deny this.

Simply put, a trustworthy connection is significant for monitoring your doorstep in real-time. It will be helpful to you in receiving alerts as well as communicating with visitors.

However, there is a range of issues that can interrupt the connectivity. These are namely – weak signals, obsolete software, incorrect network settings, and many more behind the reason for Ring Doorbell not working.

Rest assured!!

In this comprehensive guide, you will definitely explore the fundamental reasons related to why your Ring doorbell won’t connect to WiFi. In addition to this, you can be familiar with the practical steps to restore its connectivity.

As an outcome, you can ensure that your home will stay secure and your doorbell will also operate smoothly.

To know more, keep reading this blog post carefully……

Why Your Ring Doorbell Won’t Connect to WiFi

It is truly one of the most frustrating issues when your Ring Doorbell won’t connect to WiFi. It can disappoint you more when you are relying on it for home security. This issue often arises due to various factors.

It can not only disrupt the connection between your device but also your network. In this section, we have outlined the complete list of the common reasons for this issue. Let’s have an eye on them –

— Weak WiFi Signal

If your Ring Doorbell is too far from your router, it may not receive a strong enough signal to maintain a stable connection.

— Network Interference

It is possible that other devices or objects between your router & Ring Doorbell can interfere with the WiFi signal. It will cause connectivity issues.

— Incorrect WiFi Password

Some users mistakenly enter the wrong WiFi password during setup. Well, it is a common mistake that can prevent your Ring Doorbell from connecting.

— Router Compatibility

There are a few routers that are not completely compatible with Ring devices. Particularly, they operate on certain frequencies or settings that are not supported by the Ring Doorbell.

— Firmware or App Issues

It is certain that outdated firmware on your Ring Doorbell or an outdated app on your smartphone can cause connection issues.

— Power Issues

Suppose, your Ring Doorbell is not receiving adequate power, it may struggle to connect to WiFi. You may also have to encounter issues to maintain a stable connection.

How to Fix Your Ring Doorbell won’t Connect to WiFi

Are you fed up because of the Ring doorbell won’t connect to WiFi issues? Well, you are very lucky to be here. In this section, we have outlined a complete list of the reliable solutions related to fix.

Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to troubleshoot and resolve the issue. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to fix your Ring Doorbell if it is not connecting to WiFi.

1. Check Your Wi-Fi Signal Strength

2. Ensure You’re Using the Correct WiFi Network and Password

3. Restart Your Router and Ring Doorbell

4. Update Firmware and App

5. Check for Network Compatibility Issues

6. Power Supply Issues

7. Factory Reset as a Last Resort

If every troubleshooting step fails, you can perform a factory reset on your Ring Doorbell. In this case, you have to press and hold the setup button for 20 seconds.

Once you perform the reset, you will be required to set up the device from scratch. It includes – connecting it to your WiFi network.

8. Contact Ring Support

If none of the above steps help you resolve the issue, it may be helpful to you to contact Ring’s customer support. They can offer you more exclusive help.

Besides, they can also assist you diagnose any underlying issue that may not be immediately apparent.


Hopefully, by following the steps given above, you should be able to troubleshoot and resolve most issues. These issues are the one that cause your Ring Doorbell won’t connect to WiFi.

With just a little patience and attention to all the details, your Ring Doorbell will be back online. It will definitely help you keep your home secure.

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