Resolve Ring Doorbell Error Code 504 | Step-by-Step Guide

Wanna a camera that can offer you a variety of unique features and specifications? All your wishes will come true with the Ring Doorbell. It ensures you high-definition (HD) video and clear & detailed video footage.

However, it comprises out-of-the-box noise cancellation features and offers a wide field of view, but still, you may have to suffer from Ring Doorbell Error Code 504.

Fret not!!

In this blog post, you will be aware of the key factors responsible for this issue. Apart from this, you will have an idea about reliable troubleshooting tips to nip the issue in the bud.

Once you dig a little deeper into this post, you will be able to enhance your knowledge. This way, you can know that this device is equipped with infrared LEDs and is highly compatible with other devices as well.

Don’t you want to skip to grab the opportunity to enhance your home security with the Ring Doorbell? If so, you should go ahead and don’t miss to choose this highly flexible, easy-to-install ring doorbell, and reliable system.

Let’s delve into this post and keep your home safe and connected!!

Understanding Ring Doorbell Error Code 504

Simply put, the Ring Doorbell Error Code 504 indicates a Gateway Timeout error. This error occurs when the Ring device is unable to communicate with the Ring servers within a specified time frame.

It can be due to several factors. Whenever this error appears, being a user you may have to experience a range of difficulties. So, it is too difficult to understand this error, so you can easily troubleshoot it.

As a result, you can confirm that your Ring Doorbell operates smoothly. Besides, it can provide you with uninterrupted security and convenience in your home.

Common Causes of Ring Doorbell Error Code 504

Ring Doorbell Error Code 504 is one of the most common issues that users may have to encounter. Once you understand the common causes of this error, it can help you troubleshoot and resolve the issue efficiently. To help you become familiar with all the reasons behind this error, we have curated a list below –

— Internet Connection Issues

— Router or Modem Problems

— Ring Server Issues

— Device-Specific Problems

— Network Configuration Problems

— ISP-related Issues

— Mobile App Issues

How to Fix Ring Doorbell Error Code 504

Here is a list of troubleshooting tips that will let you know how to fix Ring Doorbell Error Code 504. Let’s have a glance at them.

1. Check Your Internet Connection

2. Restart Your Network Devices

3. Update Firmware

4. Check Ring Server Status

Sometimes, the issue may be on the end of your Ring doorbell. So, all you need to do is – check the Ring status page. Apart from that, you can also follow their social media channels.

It will be helpful to you to check if there are any reported outages or maintenance activities.

5. Adjust Network Settings

6. Check for Interference

7. Reset Your Ring Doorbell

If none of the above troubleshooting tips help you resolve the issue, you can consider performing a factory reset on your Ring Doorbell. It will help you reset the device to its default settings.

To do this, you need to press and hold the setup button for about 15-20 seconds until the light starts flashing.

8. Reinstall the Ring App

9. Contact Ring Support

Have you fed up after trying all the troubleshooting tips given above? You can move ahead and get in touch with Ring support for further assistance. Now, provide them with detailed information about the issue and the troubleshooting steps that you have already taken.


Hopefully, now you will be aware of the troubleshooting tips to resolve Ring Doorbell Error Code 504. In this guide, you will have an eye on the quick solutions and expert tips that will help you resolve connectivity issues.

Now, you will be aware of why you are seeing error 504 on your Ring doorbell. It will help you prevent this error from occurring.

Once you start following these steps, you can effectively troubleshoot and resolve the error code you are suffering from. Ultimately, it will help you maintain a smooth operation.

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