Cybersecurity Trends to Know in 2022

Cybersecurity remains at the forefront of our digital lives – so how much do you know about best practice for your online activities? Learn more with this infographic about top Cybersecurity Trends To Know!

Cybersecurity is an integral part of how we spend time online yet for both professional and personal users there remains a serious gap in knowledge plus practical application of safety measures.

With the statistic that by 2022 damage from cybercrime may hit $6 trillion annually, it’s never too late to review and improve your own approach to cybersecurity.

With so many dynamic risks, the best place to start is with headline cybersecurity trends. In the longer term, the following trends will continue to have importance and it’s never too late to start learning.

Headline trends for 2022 and beyond

1. GDPR Goes Global

While the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation legislation was conclusively introduced in 2018, many other countries and regions are working to catch up with their own digital policies.

The standards of GDPR are likely to be in place globally with the number one priority protecting citizen data and minimizing exploitation of personal and professional information.

2. AI and Machine Learning Security Solutions

Artificial intelligence has a major role to play in cybersecurity in terms of working preventatively to overcome issues before they occur. Combined with machine learning solutions, these systems use algorithms to monitor and recognize patterns to identify a breach before it can cause damage.

Combined, this move away from reactive models of cybersecurity is forecast as the next major common practice in the space with these solutions thought to be worth $46.3 billion by 2027.

3. Cloud Security

In the wake of COVID-19, a huge swathe of companies made their employees remote which means an increased number of people working from cloud services. Whether it’s Google Drive or, the world’s most used business process app, Office 365, chances are you’re probably running cloud services right now.

The issue with this is mass uptake with minimal user precautions. Subsequently cloud services can easily be breached with 43% of data breaches actually occurring via cloud systems left open or with weak passwords. Managing your cloud services securely is of the utmost importance.

4. Network Security and the Internet Of Things

The Internet of Things has quickly become a billion dollar industry yet little is discussed about this area of cybersecurity.

In fact, the in-built technical elements of these devices offer little to nothing in the way of cybersecurity protection with this offering a backdoor to nefarious actors when they’re connected to your home or professional networks. Before connecting a smart home or entertainment device, the new normal will be making sure to have security for the device and your network.

5. Next-gen Authentication

Over the last few years nearly every financial institution, as well as major tech companies, have switched to two-factor authentication to secure client accounts. This couldn’t have come sooner with this being the gateway to 85% of cyberattacks: users misplacing or having breachable passwords.

Although good password hygiene is a non-negotiable, the reality is that many users fail to update their passwords regularly let alone have a strong password from the outset. Next-gen authentication involves biometric recognition or more sophisticated security that eliminates passwords entirely.

6. Learn more about cybersecurity trends

Paradyn shared this infographic, ‘Cybersecurity Trends to Know in 2020’, to explore this topic in more detail. In their round-up of trends, they explain and investigate these five trends so that you can take steps for better digital security no matter your technology understanding. Stay safe and make sure to update your passwords!

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