8 Best Blogging Tools You Must Use in Your Blog

Do you know what are the blogging tools? Well, these are usually those blogging software’s, platform, tools, a website without which blogging is incomplete. Blogging has become much easier with the use of these tools.

Following is the list of 8 best blogging tools that every blogger must use

1. Windows live writer

It is a desktop editor that works with almost all popular blogging platforms. Windows live writer is an entirely functional desktop editor where you can not only write content but also edit, add and enhance images. Also, watermarking images using windows live writer is super easy.

2. Blogo

It is a desktop editor where you can do offline writing and directly publish to your WordPress blog from the dashboard. The blog offers many features such as uploading images directly from the desktop, image editing, retrieving the published post and so on.

3. BuzzSumo

It is a free tool which you should know of and started using right now. You can find most shared content on any blog using this tool. All you need to do is add the URL of the blog and it will show you most shared post on that blog on social media.

4. Grammarly

Often, we make silly grammatical mistakes while writing. This tool is highly recommended for anyone who is struggling with English. You must use it to avoid silly mistakes.

5. Content Title Maker

Your post title is one of the crucial elements for the success and vitality of your blog post. A catchy title will not only get more eyeballs but also help you to get more social-media sharing. Content title maker is a free title generator for blog posts that will automatically generate and suggest click-worthy post title.

6. Buffer app

This is the service that is highly recommended for people who have a multi-media social profile. It will help you to keep your social profile active. Bufferapp also offers many add-ons and bookmarklet for a quick share.


It is one of the fantastic tools for any blogger who doesn’t like to dig down a lot on SEO. This tool will do all the work for you to find the keywords for your blog and also let you monitor your blog backlinks and SEO report of your site. SEMRUSH is like a plug and plays SEO tool which is loved by anyone who uses it.

8. Snag it

It is a desktop based image capturing and editing tool. Although it is a paid tool, worth a buy for a long run. Snag it is a highly recommended image editing tool for Bloggers.

So, these were the 8 best blogging tools that are highly recommended for bloggers. Also, these tools can be used by other content generators like article writing services.

Which blogging tools are you using? How was your experience? Share your views and don’t forget to check our website Digital Lamp now!

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